Ecological Associates, Inc. | EAI Environmental Services


January 12, 2018

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EAI’s Amber Stevenson oversees and coordinates the work of the New Smyrna Beach Turtle Trackers and they do an amazing job for sea turtles in Volusia County. The NSB Turtle Trackers are an all-volunteer staff of more than 20, who monitor the beach between Ponce Inlet and Canaveral National Seashore (10.9 miles) every morning for nests. All volunteers have completed stranding training and now assist in responding to injured or dead sea turtles as well. The Turtle Trackers provide valuable public outreach by conducting monthly educational talks and periodically staging at public walkovers to answer sea turtle-related questions. On top of this work, they have adopted a mile of beach and clean it four times a year, participating in the International Coastal Cleanup too. Our partnership with the NSB Turtle Trackers is very rewarding and we’d like to also congratulate them on their receipt of a mini-grant from the Sea Turtle (License Plate) Grant Program for the posting of educational signs on sea turtle nests. Our two photos show the Turtle Trackers at their Pre-Season meeting and Constance Darrisaw completing the marking of a nest.

New Smyrna Beach Turtle Tracker Constance Darrisaw marking a new nest.
The New Smyrna Beach Turtle Trackers at their Pre-Season Meeting.

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